Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) has become one of the most popular modern tools for effective inexpensive business communication. It can be used like a normal phone for voice calling but as it uses the internet instead of a hard line it is capable of providing many other avenues for communication. Companies of different shapes and sizes have adopted this technology because of the benefits it provides right off the bat. If you’re company is still stuck using outdated hard lines for your internal and external business communications, it’s time to seriously consider adopting VOIP for business.
Dramatically Improves Affordability

Business VOIP Services Westchester NY
Traditional phone lines operate where every call (internal, local, or international) has a paid rate per minute or per call through a telecom provider. VOIP allows you to use the phones you already have in office which are connected to the internet to enjoy small or no cost calling, no matter where the person receiving the call is. Need to talk to an employee or supplier on the ground in China? No more expensive international calling rates or limitations to your call volume. VOIP allows users to connect to one another at little or no cost per call. With traditional phone companies you pay a monthly fee for the service and then you also pay for the minute. VOIP eliminates that entirely where you only pay for the service, you don’t pay additional per minutes fees. This is a huge money saver and not just for companies who make international calls. Local and United States bound calling also has reduced costs through VOIP.
Video & Multiple Calls At One Time
The benefits of switching your Westchester business to VOIP phone services go beyond the reduced costs. Because it uses the internet to connect, you can now utilize conference call functions, video conferencing, and computer screen sharing. This dramatically increases productivity and allows for employees to work as if they are in the same room, even if they are thousands of miles apart. Right now many companies are trying to adjust to the coronavirus pandemic we find ourselves in. Instead of paying for an expensive group calling phone function on top of your communication costs, VOIP has all of that included within its systems already. We are unsure how long we will have to stay at home so if you want to keep your business moving forwards during this time period you have to adjust. That means upgrading to VOIP as soon as possible.
Reduction in Hardware & Software Expenses
There is no other way to say it than traditional phone hardwiring is expensive. Not only the huge cost to get these intricate systems wired throughout a building but also the routers, breakers, and software required to then run these systems. To put it simply, this is the old way of doing business. It is outdated and all but obsolete today. Because VOIP can be used on existing computers you already have in the office, it can be used on existing phones (including personal cell phones), you do not have additional expenses to simply get going. If you are paying for internet (which every business does) you are ready to start using VOIP. No need for more hardware, no need to rewire the building, and no need to wait as the communication company installs and tests everything. Consider a tree falling on the lines leading to your office. With traditional phone lines if the lines are damaged you cannot make calls. Because VOIP uses the web you can even connect from your wireless cell phones data during a storm or in a pinch.
Scaling Up & Adding Lines
Traditional phone companies require you to install new phones and often lines to add a new phone number. That means that if you’re looking to expand (let’s say to a new building) you’ll have to get the entire new building wired up. This is not conducive to business growth. Not only because of the additional costs in getting wiring and new phones but also in the time wasted by having to wait for this to get completed. VOIP eliminates that entirely. Moving to a new location? Adding a new office? Adding new employees? Simply add new users in the VOIP system, that’s it. It makes no difference if its at a new location or in the same office.
VOIP Provides Features Traditional Phone Systems Don’t
It’s either that the traditional wired phone system simply cannot offer these additional features or the company will want to charge you for each and every additional service you need to add. With VOIP, that is not the case. Though services can vary from one VOIP provider to another, the standard features included are:
- Caller ID
- Call Waiting
- Call Blocking (block numbers or IP addresses)
- Call Forwarding (to mobile phones or any other phone number)
- Fax / Internet Fax
- 411 Directory
- Redial
There are also further features which include:
- Speed Dialing
- Call Recording
- SMS or Text
- Area Code Selection
- Call Transfer
- Return Calling
- Adding Multiple Users / Lines
- Ability to Scale Up
- Work Remotely
These are just some of the added benefits beyond the cost saving that VOIP phone systems provide businesses. You get the idea from this article some of the many reasons that traditional hard wired phone systems are being phased out. They cost too much, they can be limited by outside factors, they need too much maintenance, and to put it flatly they have way too many limitations. If you’re Westchester business is not using VOIP today, you could seriously be paying too much and be hurting your ability to conduct business from home during this time period and beyond.
For the best Business VOIP Services Westchester NY, look no further than three decades of local expertise here at Top Line Communications. We are proud members of the WBC (Westchester Business Counsel) and live where we operate. Call today and see how we can reduce your costs and keep you moving forwards during this time period. Stay safe from the entire team and we can get through this if we work together! 1-888-426-8647