When you are dealing with a high volume of calls, it can be challenging to keep your customers happy. After dealing with multiple transfers and long wait times, their opinion of your brand can change dramatically. By managing the incoming calls of your business phone system effectively, you can reduce wait times and transfers, and keep your clients satisfied. To do this, you should be implementing these four automatic call distribution strategies:
Routing Based on Time of Day
While you want your incoming business phone calls to come to your main New York City office during business hours, that doesn’t mean you need to leave your customers waiting when the office is closed. By implementing time-of-day call routing, you can send incoming calls to your office during designated hours, and then route them to an outsourced business phone service when your staff is off the clock.
Routing in Specific Percentages
Instead of each call going to the same department or location, you can use percentage-based routing to keep the amount of calls equal and manageable. For example, if you have an office in New York and another one in Los Angeles, you can split the incoming calls 50-50 to keep call flow moving. You can also use the percentage method for routing to different departments within one location.
Routing by Geographic Location
If your business phone receives calls from all over the world, each call can be routed to an agent that speaks the language from that specific language. Routing incoming calls based on geographic location insures Spanish-speaking clients are greeted by Spanish-speaking agents. By getting the language matched on the first try, your clients will get the personalized service they need in a timely manner.
Routing by Customer Importance
Finally, you can make sure that your most important clients always receive speedy service by using VIP call routing. Essentially, you add specific phone numbers to your VIP list, and whenever your business phone receives an incoming call from these numbers, they will jump to the top of the queue. You can even designate a specific agent that these calls are routed to in order to ensure they receive the absolute best service.
By using these advanced call routing techniques you will be better able to give every customer the service they deserve. To learn more about call routing for your business phone, contact us today. We would love to help you keep your customers happy.